Unlock Your True Golf Potential
From beginners to pros we help all golfers become the best they can be.

How Golf Fitness Can Improve Your Game
Less Pain and Injury
Tired of playing hurt or feeling sore after a round? By going through a thorough body-swing evaluation we can pinpoint exactly how to most effectively help, alleviate and prevent pain and injury.
More Power
Hitting bombs and gaining yards off the tee has become the main goal of most golfers. Through a mix of strategies and techniques our golfers typically see a 5-15% increase in clubhead speed within their first 3 months working with us.
Improved Consistency
Many amateurs struggle with consistently having the same swing for a whole round. We individually look at every new golfer and their swing to best help them be more consistent. For most this is done by improving how your hips and back rotate, balance and having a strong core.

Our Process
Detailed Evaluation
Every new Seattle Golf Fitness client goes through an in depth evaluation process. Think of this as a physical for golf where we break down and assess how you perform in every movement of the golf swing.
Personalized Program Design
After going through your in depth evaluation, your coach will design a golf and exercise program to best meet your goals.
Hard Work at Your Training Sessions
You and your coach will work hard on executing your golf fitness plan with sessions at Seattle Golf Fitness. We are constantly reassessing to best gauge how you progress.
Better Golf and a Better Body
After weeks or months of working hard you will see lower scores, longer shots, and less pain. All while becoming a more healthy version of yourself.